February 10, 2009

Tag..im it!

Use the letter of your first name to answer the questions! Enjoy!

1. What is your name: Crystal

2. A four Letter Word: Cake

3. A boy's Name: Christopher

4. A girl's Name: Catherine

5. An occupation: Chef

6. A color: Charcoal

7. Something you wear: Coat

8. A food: Carrot

9. Something found in the bathroom: Curtain

10. A place: Chicago

11. A reason for being late: Car trouble

12. Something you shout: CRAP!

13. A movie title: Cinderella

14. Something you drink: chocolate milk

15. A musical group: Cartel

16. An animal: Cougar

17. A street name: Court St

18. A type of car: Cadillac

19. The title of a song: California Dreamin- The Beachboys

20. Candy: Crunch Bar


Whoever is up for the challange :)


  1. hello married woman! you need to update! :)

  2. ive been busy!! and believe me, ive tried to type something but so much went on in march i dont even know where to being!
