June 2, 2010

One of my best friends got home from her mission from Texas this last Thursday. I still cant believe she's home already. That 1 1/2 years had gone by so fast! Most of the girls went to meet her at the airport so Amanda and I made a sign for us. That's right, TIN FOIL! We're creative! WELCOME HOME SISTER CLARK!

Lastly, it was my birthday last Saturday. The big 23! It doesn't even sound old, so I'm not going to pretend like it is! My birthday kind of started Friday at work so Matt surprised me with this delicious treat...

Its an edible arrangement made out of deliciously perfect fruit. It was delicious!
I didnt really know what I wanted to do for my birthday this year, so we decided to hit up the sales in Park City. Matt was such a good sport to go shopping with me all day! Then on Monday I made him spend half his memorial day holiday dejunking our house. It was a great birthday weekend and he definitely deserves Best Husband Ever Award!


  1. How fun!!! Yay that your friend got home- I bet you are on the countdown for your brother to come home now too! Happy late birthday :)

  2. Loving the tin foil sign! I'm so sad I couldn't be there! And I'm glad you had a good birthday. I've been begging Andrew to dejunk his stuff in the house for weeks, and I guess I just need it to be my birthday so I can make him do it :) Too far away dangit!

  3. Happy Birthday! I am glad it went well! oh yes.... what a great idea on a sign!

  4. I'm glad that you had a fun birthday with your hubby since you weren't home with us. :( I think I might have eaten your share of ice cream cake though! What can I say...it was a sacrifice I was willing to make! lol

  5. Glad you had a good birthday! See you in a few weeks!!!!!
